
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Reviewnotreview: Celeste and Jesse Forever (2012)

So the movie is not a happy ever after.
Even starts with the divorce of the main characters.

Which reminds me that life doesn’t always went as you think, or predicted.

A short synopsis, Celeste (Rashida Jones) and Jesse (Andy Samberg) are best friends for life, they got married but it didn’t go well. Then they got divorced, yet Jesse still stay at Celeste’s guest house (a shack in her yard). Celeste is a success career woman and Jesse is an artist who got no job. Around 6 months after their divorce, Jesse somehow impregnant a women, Veronica, a Belgian women and he is moving out from Celeste’s house. Celeste didn’t expect that Jesse will meet someone before she does, and got pretty shocked. The movie is about how Celeste get over with her feelings for Jesse and moving on with her life.

I can’t really explain why, but this movie touch my heart. Break ups and divorces are things that some people have to get through, and this movie told on of the version, where friends who got in love, and got divorced, can still be friends (though I can’t really relate and I don’t know if I can be like that if it happened to myself lel).

And how Celeste getting over her feelings for Jesse. Her speech at her friend’s wedding about regrets.
How she tries to accept her bad sides and tries to change. It’s good.

My favorite actor, Andy Samberg is in the movie so I watched it out of curiousity. But it turns out that his acting is good and lovely. Getting divorced, yet still in love with Celeste. On the other side he have a huge responsibility of being soon to be a father and he can’t abandon that. Saw many great expressions of his in the movie.

Overall, a nice movie about break up and the process of getting over it. Reality is harsh. Young Mr. Samberg is cute.

End of review.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

ReviewNotReview: Christopher Robin Movie (2018)

So tonight I've just watched Christoper Robin The Movie, and it happened to be released today.

I don't know why but I feel kinda sad at the prologue of the movie. And actually I already teary from the first time watching the trailer. (And it was getting sadder since I watched it alone while a couple was sitting beside me. Uuu)

This movie made me remember my long lost childhood memories. I remember watching Winnie The Pooh on TV, laughed at Pooh's silly-ness. Pooh's adorable-ness while eating honey. Tigger bouncing around with his spring tail. Eeyore floating on the river. Piglet's stutter and the piglet who sometimes got flown by the wind. Also Rabbit with his (her?) carrot garden. I really grew up with Pooh and his Friends not only from the cartoons, but also the video games.

I also remember my parents bought me and my sis some stuffed plushies of Pooh and Friends, played and sleep with them around. Even though they are all somewhere in the care of some relatives now. 

Spoiler not spoiler, the movie started with the farewell party of Christopher Robin who's going to boarding school (Which sad, I hate farewell). Then about Christopher Robin and his life after moving out from his house in Sussex. 

And life is not going really good, Christopher Robin is not as fun as he used to be. He has to cancel his trip to the countryside with his family, which is his old home in Sussex  because of work. But then something happen and he met Pooh again. Another little big adventure for getting Pooh back to home and his friends.

This movie is really suitable for family and kids, or just grown ups feeling nostalgic. It was kinda weird at first looking at the furry Pooh and friends, but after getting used to it, they look really fluffy and adorable. It was nice to see kids on the studio asking about the Pooh and Friends while the parents explaining about them.

I thought I will get teary the whole movie, well I wasn't. And somehow it was so relatable to life as an adult. Like, when you are being an adult, you've got responsibilities and you might have forget how to have fun. And it is important to have some fun in life.

The movie was so fun and heartwarming made me miss my childhood. There will always nothing wrong with family movies and good endings. I just wish for more Pooh screen time. But this is Christopher Robin movie not Pooh movie hehe.

8/10 for the sake of my childhood memories.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


"Begitu berkesan sulit dilupakan"

Gak kerasa udah sebulan dari liburan ke Jogja kemaren sama Ayu dan sampai sekarang belum sempet nulis sesuatu atau edit video liburannya. Dan mumpung malem ini rasanya gak capek dan gak ngantuk, jadi mungkin ini suatu kesempatan buat ngerjain salah satu dari dua yang bisa dikerjain buat mengingat liburan itu lagi.

Dari itinerary dulu kali ya:

11 Juli
19:00   Naik kereta dari Stasiun Senen ke Stasiun Tugu Jogja

12 Juli
03:30   Sampai di Jogja, nongkrong di stasiun Tugu sampai langit terang.
06:00   Jalan kaki sampai Tugu Jogja, duduk duduk santai sambil mikir mau kemana
            (Ini terjadi karena selama di kereta bukannya nyusun itinerary malah nonton film)
            Akhirnya memutuskan buat ke Borobudur karena masih pagi banget dan bingung harus       
            kemana (duh haha)
07:00   Naik bus ke Borobudur
09:00   Sarapan di Borobudur, keliling sampai atas, siangnya istirahat di bawah pohon.
12:30   Balik ke Jogja naik bus
14:30   Check in hotel @ Malioboro. Istirahat sampai malam.
19:00   Pergi keluar makan di angkringan
21:00   Balik ke hotel, istirahat

13 Juli
07:30   Sarapan, cek rute ke Pantai Samas - Bantul
08:00   Ke terminal bus, tapi malah ketinggalan bus yang ke Pantai Samas.
            Akhirnya milih sewa mobil + supirnya buat PP karena sudah menyerah dan males nunggu.
10:00   Sampai di area Pantai Samas, mampir ke kebun bunga matahari (HTM IDR 5000)
            Foto foto foto foto foto
11:00   Ke Pantai Goa Cemara (yang entah kenapa ga ada goanya?)
            Keliling, foto foto foto, makan siang
12:30   Balik ke Jogja
13:30   Mampir ke gelato shop, susun balik itinerary
14:30   Nyampe di Taman Sari jalan kaki (jangan ditiru kalo ga kuat lol)
16:30   Selesai explore Taman Sari, cari makan (angkringan lagi --")
18:30   Pulang ke hotel, istirahat

Seporsi sehari itu kurang!!!

14 Juli
10:00   Pergi keluar, ke museum Vredeburg
            Keliling museum, foto foto foto, sewa sepeda - 15 menit / IDR 15.000
11:30   Cari makan di komplek keraton, wisata gudeg Jl. Wijilan
            (Gudegnya enak banget sampe orang yang tadinya ga doyan gudeg jadi doyan fufu)
12:30   Jalan kaki ke pusat oleh-oleh bakpia Soemadigdo, bakpia kacang ijo-nya enak
            (Tapi bakpia kejunya biasa.... Tetep ada yang ngabisin sih)
13:00   Balik ke hotel jalan kaki. Lewatin pasar Beringharjo
            Sampai hotel istirahat sampai malam
19:00   Keluar hotel, cari makan malam (gudeg), cari oleh-oleh sekitar Malioboro, beli bakpia 25
            (Beli bakpia 25 cuma buat beli yang keju buat menghilangkan rasa penyesalan)
            (Bahkan pas nyampe Jakarta cuma sempet makan 3-5 biji)
            Belanja oleh oleh buat temen kantor, gantungan kunci ma pouch mini imut yang ditawar
            dengan muka polos sok melas
21:00   Balik ke hotel, istirahat

15 Juli
06:00   Check out hotel
            Jalan kaki sampai stasiun, cari sarapan
07:00   Naik kereta balik ke Jakarta


Ini pertama kalinya pergi liburan jauh ke luar kota naik kereta, berdua pula, tanpa rencana yang bener bener mateng, cuma bermodalkan liat tempat wisata di instagram dan gak bener bener cari cara perginya sampai kita akhirnya nyampe Jogja. Liburannya juga seminggu setelah ulang tahun, yang rasanya kayak hadiah buat diri sendiri, tapi hadiah yang emang sengaja udah direncanain dari 2 bulan sebelumnya.

Sangat berterima kasih juga sama Ayu, yang jadi partner selama liburan, yang udah mau diajak susah susah jalan kaki kesana kemari, juga nurutin inisiatif diri ini yang sangat labil dan serba mendadak dan serba berubah. Tapi untungnya berjalan cukup lancar dan ke-eror-an selama perjalanan malah jadi hal lucu yang bisa dikenang terus haha. Erornya macam nyasar gara gara nurut sama google maps, naik sepeda yang buat berdua padahal kita berdua ga biasa naik sepeda dan akhirnya malah nabrak semak semak, jalan kaki kemana mana padahal ada becak haha. Yang lucu lagi, kita jarang nanya sama orang di jalan dan malah bergantung banget sama aplikasi Movit juga google maps, untungnya tetep nyampe tempat tujuan walaupun banyak nyasarnya ehe.

Kita yang udah sahabatan dari awal masuk kuliah ini, selama kuliah kerjanya cuma kulineran sekitar Bogor doang. Paling jauh pergi ke Ennichisai Blok M dan itu juga pulang lagi ke Bogor di hari yang sama. Akhirnya sekarang bener bener bisa ngerasain liburan, yang nginep, yang bukan biaya dari orang tua kita, tapi biaya dari hasil kerja keras kita sendiri, yang berkorban cuti dan libur kerja buat liburan ini. Sesuatu yang harus kita banggain karena gak semua orang bisa ngelakuin hal yang sama kayak kita. Yay!

Penyesalannya cuma satu: Kurang banyak makan gudeg! Kalau dijumlah, ada kali makan gudeg sekitar 4 kali selama 3 hari itu, dan rasanya masih kurang. Kalau ada kesempatan buat ke Jogja lagi, rasanya mau jelajahin itu Jl. Wijilan, nyobain satu satu semua tempat makan gudeg yang ada disitu. Karena emang bener, makan gudeg di tempatnya langsung itu ueeenaaaak buangeeeeet *hiperbola intensifies*

Seandainya duit itu jatuh dari pohon, rasanya tiap hari pengen pergi liburan...
Sekarang udah mulai rencanain buat liburan tahun depan, dan semoga yang ini beneran terlaksana karena udah gatel banget pengen nyasar di negara orang.

Nippon! Ready or not I'm coming!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Solo Trip - Amazarashi x Aimer Concert

So recently I went to the neighboring country, alone to see a concert. Somehow I made it a secret from my parents until 2 weeks before my flight (idk why I did that lol)

It was Singapore. And it was Amazarashi x Aimer Concert! I saw the news on November 2017 and already made up my mind to go to the concert. I really love Aimer's songs and really want to see her live performance. She came to Indonesia a few times but the timing wasn't right so I never go to one of her live local. 

Might as well listen to the songs first =>> AxA Warming Up Playlist

Thank god a few months before the solo trip I went with some friends so I didn't really lost. I planned the trip from January and take my flight on end of March. I don't really know what was I thinking when planning for this trip, a thing that I know was I bought the concert ticket online and picked the VIP seat.

It was a kind of long weekend, and somehow I got some nice deal for the flight. It's not as cheap as promo flight, but it was a pretty good deal. I picked Saturday (the concert day) and going back on Monday, taking a day leave from work. It was a really tight schedule I kind of regret for not going on Friday. But well I can go again anytime (yeah right).

As for hostel I forgot to book one until 2 weeks before departure. And missed the one I wanted, but managed to book my other option costs around IDR 500.000 for 2 night. And yeah it's still comfy, and I can sleep pretty well. (Duh I sleep everywhere).

At the day of departure, I was so nervous I didn't really sleep the night before. I don't know whether it was a nervous from going to a concert alone or going overseas alone. But it was a kind of excitement. Managed to arrive at the airport a few hours before the flight, ate breakfast, saw celebs, almost fell asleep at the boarding room. And really fell asleep half of the flight lol. Once again thanks to the previous trip with my friends I don't really feel at lost going to SG for the second time.

It was around 11 am when I got out the immigration gate, I thought I still have much time until hostel check in time so I wanted to go to the Merlion. But I got off at the wrong station and went to Garden by The Bay instead. Well I didn't rent any wifi pocket or setting roaming on my phone so I just tried to remember things I've done before. I know it's stupid lol. Got lost many times and I spent half an hour looking for the location of my hostel. Ended up checked in at 3 pm instead of 2 pm because I got lost.

Wifi at the hostel really help me a lot, I search the concert location and went there eventually. Even fell asleep (again) on MRT and yet got off at the right station, walk around 10 minutes and arrived at the concert hall. As I remember it was around 5 pm but half of the goods are almost sold out. Bought myself two rubber bands (I didn't wear it until now) and a face towel. Also found this beautiful flower stand for Aimer outside the concert hall. You can see my reflection there at the balloon lol.

As the concert itself, people said that it didn't start on time. First up was Amazarashi. Well I listened to all of Amazarashi albums from a few months before the concert and really took liking almost all of the songs. I already got overwhelmed from the first song, and put all of my heart into them. The face towel I bought got really handy because I cried almost half of their performance. It was like they sang almost all of the songs I've listened the past months I got really happy yet emotional. Because their lyrics are so sentimental and the lyrics are shown like the pic below.

From Amuse Inc. Asia Facebook
Too bad people haven't really recognize them at the time. It was obvious from the crowd's attention. Some even play with their phones. I just wish people would appreciate their songs more. And their performance was awesome, I am so happy to hear Hiromu-san's monologue live *again, I cried*. At least the crowds responded well on "Sora ni Utaeba". I myself got too hyped I feel like exploding.

After Amazarashi they took 10 - 15 minutes break for preparing Aimer's part. To be honest I already half tired after all of those crying and shouting from Amazarashi's part but still very excited to see Aimer live. She was so cute and she tried so hard talking in English. But I wish she spoke in Japanese. I don't care whether other people understand or not as long as I do (no it's not good).

Almost half of Aimer's song list that night was from "Noir". And she sang Ref:rain! It's from that anime, "Koi wa Ameagari no You ni". The stage was too bright sometimes I close my eyes only to hear her voice clearly. And people quietly listened to her voice, I'm so glad. My favorite was Stars in The Rain and again I cried. Sorry for being such a crybaby u.u

From Amuse Inc. Asia Facebook
Aimer's part felt so fast even with more than 10 songs. Many of my favorite songs from "Blanc" part was not on the list. If it was on the list I might cry more than a bucket haha. The best part of Aimer's part was "ONE". She asked the crowd to stand up and clap hands together while she waving, jumping and singing. She was so cute. And it felt like her concert in Budokan (yay).

If you're curious, here's the song list of the concert I found on Reddit.

Final comment. I am really glad I bought the VIP as I can see them closely. I got the F row and it was pretty close. Didn't think it would be that close. Their performance are so amazing I sometimes imagine my self being on the concert again while listening to my concert warm up playlist. Too bad we can't take pictures nor videos of the concert. And yeah it won't be a nice experience if people busy taking pictures instead of listening to their performances..

I didn't regret for taking the chance, went overseas alone to see concert. I take it as a new experience and so I won't regret for not going, since we don't know when they will come to Indonesia. And I don't want to wait too long. And if they plan to come someday, I'll definitely reserve my ticket again.

I hope I can go overseas again sometime next year. Japan might be nice, it's not like I'll be lost. I can just ask people every time I got lost haha. Oh and the story of me walking around SG, I'll save it for another time.

Have a nice dream.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

I Can't Live Without Spotify

It's been more than a year since the first time I've known and tried the trial of Spotify Premium, and ever since then I've been on premium until today. And I feel like I might not live without it. I've been using Spotify for my daily commute to work and other things. I wanna share some of my experiences.

In case you don't know Spotify, here's a brief explanation about it:
Spotify is a digital music service that gives you access to millions of songs. It is a Swedish entertainment company founded by Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon. It specializes in music, podcast, and video streaming service that launched on 7 October 2008.
So why I love Spotify?

First one, as an otaku I get to listen MANY of anisong! Yay! In the past, I have to watch them on youtube, or download them, and I gotta work a little bit more to find my favorite songs. But now I can listen somehow half of them now on Spotify without working too hard searching.  Also lately, not only anisongs, but also vocaloid producers songs are widely shared on Spotify. What a wonderful time to live :3

And making playlists, according to your mood and days, or any other theme is possible without limits! And I can take a peek at other's playlists as well listening through it. And lately artists are making their own playlists of their favorite songs too. Check Taylor Swift's page as an example.

Discover tab according to things you've listened? I've been saved by this. I've known many great artists I've never heard before and wouldn't have known them if I don't use Spotify. And you'll get recommendations from the similar artists and genres, also some new released songs and they even made you playlist out of those similar artists and genres for you to listen on your way back home.

On premium, you can save the playlists and songs to listen it offline. It's good for saving internet data or when you can't use internet data at all, at least you still get to listen some good musics.

At least those are the reasons I can think of so far. Even now I'm writing while listening to Spotify lol.

What I'm listening to lately:
Bunch of songs I repeat on my way to work
My anisong playlist