
Monday, March 26, 2012

I'm Free! (for now)

At last ladies and gentlemen, my final school exam is finished. But still another storm will come soon enough on April 16th. GAH! It is the national exam, and it is just a few weeks to go. I don't think I am ready. I'm not ready to meet my 'ol pal MATH. The math for the language class is extremely easy for the science. But not for me sadly ToT

Math is one of the hardest subject that I can imagine for now. I know that I can finish them all, but maybe I don't have the will yet to study them more. Ready or not, on April 17th I must face it. My biggest fear. Hopefully on the previous test I answered half of them. Yay for me! A tap in the back for me. But I know those are not enough. I should answer 75% of them correctly or even more to get a good score. Well enough about math.

What am I doing in my spare time now? Even it's close to the national exam, I can't resist my will to play any games. I still need some refreshing beside taking window shopping on the mall and else. I watch tv a lot more than studying (don't try this at home if you're not a pro lol). Holidays are the best thing if you are getting a pressure exam. Holidays are the best time to have fun and throw all the books aside.

Having fun is not always expensive though. You can go the mall and do some window shopping. Or maybe you can stay at home watching tv, or watching your favorite anime~ Or you can play your favorite games.. Online, offline, cards~ Well life is short you know. Being stress is not good for our health too.

Well I think that's all I can say. Free for now, unfree for later. Have no time for stressed out. Have to keep my health so I will be just fine when the big day come. Have a nice week people, stay healthy! *o*b

Thursday, March 22, 2012

[Reblogged] Enthusiastic: Motions for Enthusiastic

*Well I think these are nice motions for debate. I wish my school will have events like this someday*

THW give quota for Indigenous Groups in entering Public Universities
THBT the State should stop funding tertiary education
THBT teachers salary should be made proportionate to the amount of students passing the class.

THBT animal performances should be banned in circus
THW allow experiments on animals for human benefit
THBT PETA should only accept vegetarians as their members

THBT the feminist movement should celebrate beauty pageants.
THBT the state should pay housewives.
THW stop sending migrant workers to countries that opresses women.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sketch Attempt!

Teehee~ "Sketch Attempt" is a project of mine which is drawing using paint from microsoft. Just me, paint, and the mouse. Nothing else. Well I've draw some until now. But not much yet. And the lines are so unsteady cz I only use mouse. But I am really proud to show some of 'em here of course. Check em out :3

Friday, March 9, 2012

Kanji o Benkyoushimashou! (Let's Study Kanji!)

Well below is some kanji I've studied and I'm trying to memorize those for my school's assignment. Still trying to wrote them nicely even it's kinda confusing me out =="
I've wrote the meaning and the romaji too. Well if you like you can learn some of the kanji(s) I have below. How to write them? Maybe you can find it in kanji tutorial sites. Hope this helps a little bit! Have fun in learning Japanese and the kanji! *o*b

行きます = いきます = ikimasu (Go)
見ます = みます = mimasu (see)
読みます = よみます = yomimasu (read)
手 =  て = te (Hand)
木 = き = ki (Tree)
水 = みず = mizu (water)
中 = なか = naka (inside)
上 = うえ = ue (upper)
下 = した = shita (down)
父 = ちち = chichi (father)
母 = はは = haha (mother)
今 = いま = ima (now)
本 = ほん = hon (study)
人 = ひと = hito (people/person)
小さい = ちいさい = chiisai (small)
大きい = おおきい = ookii (big)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pressure is ON!

Ideal school building :v

Huwaaaaaa tak terasa tanggal 19 Maret udah ujian sekolah. Dua minggu lagi udah try out kota. Satu bulan lagi udah UJIAN NASIONAL. The pressure is on! The heat is getting higher. Huwaaaa blom banyak yang udah dilakukan dalam menghadapi UN. Terutama untuk pelajaran matematika. Entah kenapa sekarang ini jadi dudul banget kalo yang menyangkut matematika. Padahal matematika-nya anak bahasa itu termasuk yang paling gampang. Tapi mo gimana lagi ToT

Bimbel di sekolah pun sudah diluncurkan untuk persiapan UN. Dua buah try out juga telah dilemparkan ke anak didik supaya bisa memprediksi soal-soal di UAS dan UN. Ujian praktek masih banyak yang belom selesai. Public communication sama bahasa Indonesia masih aja harus ngantri. Kapan selesenya ya? Rasanya gak sabar pengen cepet-cepet menghabiskan semua yang ada di depan. Pengen cepet-cepet istirahat dan bermain sepuasnya. Jadi pengangguran muda menunggu nasib untuk perguruan tinggi. Ha~

By the way, what is your future plan? What will you do after graduating from highschool?
A. Continue your study to university?
B. Working part time or even full time?
C. Being unemployed and goofing around?
D. Married?

Hal diatas adalah hal yang mungkin dilakukan setelah lulus dari SMA. Yang manapun pilihan yang diambil seharusnya sesuai dengan keinginan hati. Tapi kalau gak sesuai pasti ada jalan yang lebih baik yang udah ditentuin sama yang diatas.

Dan ngomong-ngomong kelulusan, aku jadi inget anime Angel Beats. Episode terakhirnya tentang graduation yang menguras air mata, mereka lulus dari afterlife highschool menuju ke surga (kali!) Tapi Otonashi menetap di afterlife world untuk menemukan cinta sejatinya. Dan dulu sempet ada video teaser tentang Otonashi yang jadi ketua OSIS menggantikan Kanade. Tapi, mana season 2-nyaaaa? Manaaaa? Yang pasti para fans Angel Beats juga sebel dan penasaran apa ini anime bakal ada season 2-nya ato ntu cuma angan-angan semu? Ada juga gosip tentang Angel Beats yang bakal dijadiin visual novel tapi sampai sekarang pun belum ada informasi yang pasti. Nyebelin kan? Sekarang cuma bisa baca manga-nya aja yang masih ongoing. Angel Beats ga daisukiiii~ Tapi semoga aja graduation-ku nanti gak se-dramatis ending Angel Beats. Huwee ToT

Semoga aja dalam dua bulan ini semuanya berjalan lancar, dari ujian sekolah, ujian praktek, sampai ujian nasional. Semoga aja aku lulus SNMPTN undangan pilihan pertama atau kedua. Sastra Jepang atau pun Hubungan Internasional sudah ku ikhlaskan akan kujalani. Wish me luck, wish you all have a great month.